Scottsdale Arizona's Colonic Experts
Hygia is Scottsdale's premier colonic spa. Hygia caters to those who a looking a for a private, comfortable, and safe cleansing experience. Since 1998, Hygia has provided the best detoxification services from around the world to improve heath, reduce symptoms of chronic illness, and enhance physical appearance.

Our amazing services: Colon Hydrotherapy and Massage

Call to hear our Pricing & Packages today.
$190 off
a package of 12 hydrotherapy sessions 
(Online offer only)
Welcome to Hygia Spa! 

Save $65
with purchase a colonic and massage. Only $95 
(Limit one per customer)
Why wait any longer to enhance your health with detoxification?
Schedule your appointment before you come in, and start your serene experience when you walk through the door!
About  Hygia
Contact Us

"Voted Best Colonic in Scottsdale"
by Spa Magazine 2008

Call us today 480-443-8640